A message from our CEO to you

Being a woman comes with its challenges. It often feels like, no matter what we do, we’re being judged or doing something wrong.

 Society imposes certain expectations regarding our appearance, behavior, weight, work, caregiving roles, and it’s a constant struggle. The pervasive message is that we’re not doing enough, that we’re not enough.

When I started my company, many didn’t take me seriously. They dismissed my ambition, thinking, “Oh, look at this woman trying to build an empire, dream on, lady!” Little did they know, those of us with a passion for horses possess a unique power and magic.

Fast forward four years, and Sync has become a massive success because I held onto the belief that I am worthy and enough.

 I refused to let others dictate my story. I believe our wonderful customers sense the magic and intention behind our garments, feeling empowered and badass.

The deeper purpose of my brand has always been to remind women of their inner strength, their power, and the importance of self-love.

 Struggling with eating disorders throughout my life, it was crucial for me to showcase all body types and ages in our marketing.

 I want younger generations to love themselves as they are and embrace aging in a world that insists women must remain forever young to retain their value.

In case no one has reminded you lately, you are strong, resilient, and incredible. Consider the fact that you have a silent partnership with a magnificent 1200lb+ being; that, in itself, is pretty badass! 

So, go out there, shine your light, don’t let anyone dim it. Recognize your amazing worth because, as a woman, you are enough just as you are right now.

My wish is for you to feel the magic and intention woven into this collection. I want every woman to experience feeling good, comfortable, confident, and powerful!

With much love and gratitude 🦄,

Natalia Graf-Anders

CEO Sync Equestrian


Sync Equestrian is US based and was established in 2019. Sync Equestrian was designed and made by equestrians, therefore products are tested and only the best fabrics, best suited for riding are used. We are a women owned and operated company based out of Northern Virginia.

As equestrians, we saw a problem in the current equestrian clothing market when it came to fit and comfort. Every woman has a different body, so when we designed our performance breeches our goal was to create innovative performance wear for every woman while also keeping in mind the athlete in each and every equestrian.  We get all your pain points when it comes to finding  riding breeches and tops, because we are you!

Our innovative performance breeches and tops feature sculpting yet flexible material,durable fabrics that have been tested by real life equestrians for months to ensure they are long lasting, and provide a customized and tailored fit to each unique individual.  You can wear our garments for hours and feel ultimate comfort, and get a boost of confidence while you are at it due to how flattering and good they make you feel.

We problem solve on all levels possible to ensure you get the best materials, designs and innovations.  For example- our white and tan show breeches, as well as other lighter colored items, have been lined with black material on the inside to ensure they are squad proof and so flattering on. We don’t just design equestrian apparel, we engineer and problem solve all your pain points for you!

Sync Equestrian is also designed to be multi-purpose and can be worn outside the barn, due to their stylish and chic designs.

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The Causes we Give Back TO

Egypt Equine Aid

Sync Equestrian has partnered up with Egypt Equine Aid, a non-profit organization, who gives working horses and donkeys the medical care they need near Cairo, Egypt.

They are located in Abu Sir, a rural site between Giza and Saqqara, northern Egypt, where three 5th-dynasty kings built their pyramids .Abu Sir has many farms and other properties, and there are lots of local families with working equines.

The population is poor, and many people live from hand to mouth. Their animals desperately need good veterinary care, but there are not many well-trained and well-qualified veterinarians in the area.

Moreover, most of these local families cannot afford to pay even a small amount for veterinary care, even if it were available. Even more troubling is the critical lack of knowledge on the part of owners about equine care, despite donkeys and horses having been part of life in Cairo for a very long time.

Egypt Equine Aid was established to address these problems. EEA regularly hands out equipment such as nosebands, fly masks, halters, humane bits, and harness pads and explain how those items help animals stay injury-free and healthy, thereby protecting these babies.

Everytime you make a purchase with Sync Equestrian, a portion of your money goes to help a horse in need.

Please share and check out their website and donate directly to them as well at https://www.egyptequineaid.org


Sync Equestrian has partnered up with Crossroads.  Our brand mission is all about empowering women, so it only made sense for us to support an amazing organization like Crossroads.  Learn more about crossroads below and find out how you can donate to their amazing cause by visiting https://crossroadsme.org/

Since 1974 Crossroads has specialized in treating women with co-occurring substance use and mental health disorders. Their treatment programs in Maine are for women, by women.

 Using evidence-based practices they are able to address trauma, anxiety, depression, eating disorders and addiction.

 Equine therapy has been instrumental in helping their clients achieve recovery, build relationships and live healthy lives.

 As a nonprofit organization they are truly grateful for the support our clients receive from community partners and donors throughout the country.

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